Thursday, March 26, 2009


(knitter) the nickname of another new friend.

It was through her that I got to Tita (last post). This lady organises knitting meetings in Porto.

Xana is a lovely lady who has agreed to meet (very last minute) me when I was last at home. She has even got me a present

Some handpainted wool, with fantastic colours, by "maos de sapo" (another portuguese crafter);

and a lovely teddy knitted by her the night before. Don't you all just love to make last minute presents? I do! Or at least is my excuse the have a sewing room full of stuff I 'MAY' need.

Thank you very much XANA, you are fantastic and it's great to have met you!!!


1 comment:

xana said...

Obrigada Sónia! Também gostei muito ter-te conhecido.
E que numa próxima vez tenhamos oportunidade de tricotar juntas ;O)
bjs xana