Monday, March 23, 2009

learning to spin...

anything better to do on your holiday?.. I don't think so.

I went home for a relaxing holiday and couldn't sit let's look for something fun to do. How about learning a new (crafty) skill? Spinning??? Yeah!!!

A bit of internet searching put me in touch with Tita, from Oficina do Fio. Besides being a lovely person who enjoys sharing her knowlegde and a great spinner, she's also got the loveliest house (I am into old houses) packed with spinning wheels, and looms...summary: paradise!

I had a lovely time with Tita, and I learned quite a lot..though I have to admit I am not the best student.

1. one of my versions of paradise (another one could be a ribbon shop, buttons, fabrics, etc :)

2. Granny squares original one! amazing. The brown furry thing you see is a poncho made of dog's fur. It is so soft you wouldn't believe. Now that was new for me, that you can spin dog's fur.

3. An Ashford Spinning Wheel (joy). This one is very compact!

3. The portuguese spindle. Tita is forever THE Portuguese Spindle enthusiast.

4. Tita showing me how it's tries had too many lumps to be allowed in a picture


1 comment:

xana said...

A Tita é de facto super generosa na partilha do conhecimento que tem e consegue contagiar com o seu entusiasmo!