Monday, November 17, 2008

Passed the test...

I've done my first craft fair and I thing it's fair to say: I have passed the test!
Look how lovely my stand looked...

That's my little helper in the back. The stand wasn't completely set up when I took this photo but I didn't have time to take others.

I think the shelf was a good idea. I find it very difficult to look at things when they are on the table only.
We had the best couldn't miss us just as you went into the cafe...
I had a great time.
All my items could be personalised..I have taken my embroidery machine with me so I could embroider names on the bags, etc.
My best seller were the flanels and towels, and were the items that were easy to make as they were ready to be embroidered! They were also the cheapest items ...
Next time I have to have a wider range of prices i.e. cheaper prices...

Thursday, November 06, 2008

My first EVER craft fair...

it's in 2 weeks, in a school in Salisbury (UK)..(you know, just round the corner from the Stonehenge)...and I don't knoe what I am taking...
Actually...I have a table booked and nothing to put on it because I haven't even started...

No..of course I am not panicking...ermmmmm...maybe just a little bit...

So I have bought loads of material and ribbons etc...and now need ideas.

From all the things you have seen in this blog made by me which do you think would be favourites in a crafts fair?

And what are your suggestions of things you haven't seen here but know I could make anyway....???
