So...I've got to sort of backtrack on my steps...
First thing..organise a sewing room...before that, decide what it's going to be like...

It will have to double as a guest room, and it needs decorating anyway because the walls are a bit of a mess. They are not the worst in the house (you'll see what I mean in the next few days).
So, all these ideas for new sewing projects start jumping in. This is when I became acquainted with this 'blog' thing and started searching for ideas..and then I found this 'swap' thing...
All very new to me...but found myself already involved with 3 swaps!!!
One asks for 3 embroidered tea towels, another one is called 'Aqua and Red' and the third one is 'Purple and Orange'. (Just look out for some nice photos in the near future) .
I thought this would keep me motivated to start sewing again...never mind that the academic year is just about start at the same time as I'm going back home on holidays...
But no excuse for the lack of time...